Bich Poo Full Grown

Also known as the poochon the bichpoo is a sturdy and playful companion dog that is bred for its endearing personality and low shedding coat.
Bich poo full grown. The difference between these variants lies in their size when full grown. By height they stand between 9 and 14 inches. This breed will take on qualities from both parents including their curly and hypoallergenic coats. The size of a bichpoo dog will also vary depending on the size of the parents and whether the poodle parent was of the miniature or toy variety.
If toy the bichpoo will reach a weight of between 6 12 pounds. Search more filter options. The toy bichon poo the miniature or mini bichon poo. Although they shed very little this canine like all dogs will still need coat maintenance and other basic care.
If a miniature you can expect his weight to range up to 18 pounds. The bich poo is a designer breed made from the crossbreeding of two wonderful dog breeds. Bich poo bichpoo puppies for sale your search returned the following puppies for sale. Its outgoing nature means it is no guard dog and will socialise equally well with other animals and humans as long as it has been well socialised when young.
The weight of a bichpoo is typically influenced by whether the poodle side of his parentage is a toy or miniature. They typically have a height of 9 to 14 inches when fully grown. As a cross between a bichon friseand either a toy or miniature poodle this small dog is extremely clever and equally affectionate. The bichon frise and the miniature poodle.
Bich poo bichpoo male 11 weeks columbus ohio.