Bichon Frise Cross Poodle

Its intelligence makes it easy to train and it can also learn special tricks.
Bichon frise cross poodle. The result of this crossbreeding is a small and sturdy bundle of joy that s very energetic friendly and snuggle worthy. Are designer dogs ethical. The bichpoo or poochon by definition is a crossbreed or hybrid. The bichon poodle mix is by definition a designer dog.
The cross of a purebred bichon frise and a purebred poodle results in a first generation bich poo. Bichon poodle bichon poo also known as a poochon or a bichpoo is a designer dog that s created by crossing the bichon frise and the poodle. This mix breed can inherit the sociable nature of the bichon and the intelligence of the poodle making it a great companion for families. Puppies pictured below are all sold.
The aim of this is to meld the best characteristics of these two pure breeds. It s a first generation cross between the poodle and bichon frise. For many years a debate has raged on in the dog owning community. First generation bichpoos tend to be much healthier than either of their parents.
It was created as a result of human intervention with intentional cross breeding. The poochon is an active friendly dog who generally combines the ease of training of a bichon frise and the intelligence of a poodle. A cross between a poodle and a bichon frise the poochon has the personality and haircut of a teddy bear. They are a hardy crossbreed who enjoys being a lapdog as well as running around outside with children.
The fluffy bichon poodle mix has an iconic coat that you cannot ignore.