External Hard Drive Hardware Error

Usb cable loose connection or is faulty.
External hard drive hardware error. To eliminate the possibility of the present pc being the cause of the fatal error external hard drive fault plug the concerned hard disk into a laptop or any other accessible machine. The external hard drive becomes unreadable and corrupted due to carelessly disconnecting or powering down the drive without following the eject drive protocol. To get rid of an 0x800701e3 error use one of the following methods. So when i taught its strange that there s no bar that indicates space in disk management so i fired up command prompt and typed wmic diskdrive get status and it detected my external hard drive and the status was ok then i typed diskpart list disk then i saw that the hard drive size that is displayed is 0 bytes.
Hardware issues on an external hard drive. This error condition is also seen in removable drives. Most often these bad sectors cause a the request failed due to a fatal device hardware error message. Too many bad sectors in the disk.
The hard drive may work here meaning there s something wrong with the original pc. You can repair the unreadable external drive with a quick scan on the pc with the help of the disk checking utility and its drive repair function. Other problems with an external hard drive.