Internet Hardware Networking In Hindi

In this tutorial we look at the various components that you need to create a computer network and connect it to the internet.
Internet hardware networking in hindi. A computer network is a system in which multiple computers are connected to each other to share information and resources. Sai techvision 116 742 views 15 33. An internet connected home home office network consists of a variety of hardware and software components. Units which are the last receiver or generate data are called hosts end systems or data terminal equipment.
Take up the quiz below and get to see what you understand hardware and networking as a whole. Networking hardware also known as network equipment or computer networking devices are electronic devices which are required for communication and interaction between devices on a computer network specifically they mediate data transmission in a computer network. Computer network object question in hindi. Create files and store them in one computer access those files from the other computer s connected over the network.
Computer network test in hindi क प य टर न टवर क क मल ट पल च इस क व श चन प पर स ट आपक क प य टर. A computer network that is set up correctly makes it easy to share data in an organization. Computer networking in hindi क प य टर न टवर क क समझ आस न ह द भ ष म क प य टर न टवर क क य ह computer network hindi what is network in hindi. Share resources from one computer to another.
Computer hardware and networking course full details in hindi क य स क प ह इस क र स क 27 duration. The computer hardware is the compilation of all the physical devices that help with interactions between the devices in a network. What is protocol in hindi क य आपक पत ह protocol क य ह और य क तन प रक र क ह त ह.